You Are A Warrior !!

Below is an Article written by Cal Pierce, Int’l Assn of Healing Rms Director :
When we are called by God, we are called into battle as His army. Our God refers to Himself as the Lord of Hosts. The Hebrew meaning of hosts is “an army organized for war, or assembled to fight.” Exo 15:3 declares, “The Lord is a warrior.” In Ps 18:34 we are told, “He trains my hands for battle.” We are called to fight because we have an enemy who wants to destroy everything God creates.
We must not become passive. When we allow the enemy to wear us down by our circumstances, we become fearful & lose our hope. When we lose hope, we become weak because we try to fight in our own strength rather than in God’s. In 1 Pet 1:13 we are told to “gird our minds for action.” We must constantly feed on God’s truth that strengthens us to overcome the enemy. The way to overcome the enemy is to be overcome by our God. We cannot get away from the battle because in the world we will always have tribulation. “But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.” (Rm 8:37).
How do we overcome our enemy ? We must first renew our mind according to Rm 12:2. Then we put on the full armour of God so that we can stand firm against the enemy according to Eph 6:11. Notice we put on God’s armor, not ours. Our God is light & we put on the armor of light that exposes what is hidden by darkness (Rm 13:12). In God, the weapons of our warfare are mighty to the tearing down on strongholds. We do not war according to the flesh or natural realm. We must war in the spirt where our weapons are divinely powerful to destroy every fortress (2 Cor 10:3-4).
In the Kingdom ware, we don’t face our enemy, we face our God. What you face is what you will eventually embrace.
James 4:7 says, “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil & he will flee from you.”
Notice that the degree of fleeing by the enemy is measured by the degree of submission to God. That’s because it is God’s power in us, not our power. What causes the enemy to flee isn’t when he sees us, it’s when he sees God in us. Our enemy knows that we have been given authority over all his power (Lk 10:19). The authority comes by the power of God in us; “It’s not I that lives, but He that lives in me.” As God’s warriors, we are strong in Him.
Eph 6:10 says, “Finally, be strong in the Lord & in the strength of His might.” True freedom comes when we realize that the battle is won, not in our strength, but in His strength. As Christians we must realize that we are warriors. We can’t run from this fact. We are called into God’s army & equipped to fight.
In Rm 9:17 we are told, “For this very purpose I raised you up, to demonstrate my power in you, & that My name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth.”
God not only gives us His power, but also His victory. How can we be losers when we have already won ? We overwhelmingly conquer through Him. This means that we gain decisive victory. The problem too many of us are having is that we aren’t winning because we aren’t fighting. In God’s army when you fight, you win. I don’t believe that when Jesus said, “Occupy,” He was referring to the pew !”
hello aunty kate! =))
update your blog leh!!!
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