It's a great way to PRAISE THE LORD !!!

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing PRAISES - James 5:13 I've set up this blog to record TESTIMONIALS that GLORIFY God's name and testify His GOODNESS and ABUNDANT BLESSINGS on His people! It's my PRAYER that these testimonials would edify, encourage and BLESS Christians and pre-believers from all over the world. All GLORY to the name of our SAVIOR and LORD JESUS CHRIST! The Lord bless you!

March 13, 2006

God answer prayers...!!!!

Indeed God answer prayers!! Amen!

Even the very UNimportant ones... He also takes care of them...

He's an amazing God!

Today is Sunday, and I was on worship duty, and had to be in church by 8am, if not earlier... I'm usually in a rush in the morning; it's just the usual self of me to time myself just right; I don't usually give myself a little more time or allowance... :( ya, that's a bad habit i know...

Today as usual, I rushed through the morning, left home exactly at 7.35am. Journey to take a taxi to church is at least 15-20 minutes on a Sunday morning. I'd usually have to wait for at least 5 minutes before there is an available cab.

But this morning I told myself as I was approaching the main road, that I was NOT going to wait for that 5 minutes!!


I decided to pray...

I closed my eyes and I prayed.. Oh Jesus, please send me a cab rightaway... I can't wait or I'll be late. Send me a cab! Please, Lord...

The next moment when I was on the main road, immediately I saw an empty yellow cab on the opposite side of the road, speeding (because there was very little traffic...). Before I knew it, I noticed the cabbie looked to his right towards my direction, he saw me!!! ... he stopped his taxi!!! right there...!!!

Wow!!! It was so amazing! I mean, under normal circumstances, I would not expect someone driving at that speed to look away from the front view ... And he actually did that at the right SECOND!

Oh thank you Jesus... for answering even such a small request from me.

I used to think I should "reserve" my prayer request for "bigger" things to come. Such "small" matters - don't bother God... But I thank God a pastor once told the congregation this:-

you can ask for anything big and small from God...

nothing is too trivial for God...
and nothing is unimportant in the eyes of the Lord...


God bless you.. may you be bold enough to ask anything from the Lord.... He looks at EVERY request of ours...

Praise Him!


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