It's a great way to PRAISE THE LORD !!!

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing PRAISES - James 5:13 I've set up this blog to record TESTIMONIALS that GLORIFY God's name and testify His GOODNESS and ABUNDANT BLESSINGS on His people! It's my PRAYER that these testimonials would edify, encourage and BLESS Christians and pre-believers from all over the world. All GLORY to the name of our SAVIOR and LORD JESUS CHRIST! The Lord bless you!

March 21, 2006

My annual follow up at the hospital....

Went for my annual follow-up check up at Dr. V.J. Sethi's clinic at the National Cancer Centre.

Since my radio-theraphy treatment completed in Nov 1992, I have had to go through a lot of detailed scans, bloodtests, etc to ensure the cancer cells had been completely removed, and there will be no new growth, no recurrence.

Thank God these 14 years He has been protecting me from recurrence; NOT EVEN A CHANCE!!! I have heard enough sad stories of cancer relapsing within a year or two. I have always been thankful to God for His mercy and healing hands on me...

Because of God, I feel I have a stronger fighting spirit than any other people.

Because of God, I sense I have a stronger immunity system to resist anymore attack too!

Hahaha... viruses, you cannot come near me!!! There is no place for you in my body!!!


Dr. Sethi, as usual, patient and fatherly, always smiling and looking sincerely concern. After asking some questions, he put a scope into my nostrils... erhhhhh.... that was always very uncomfortable. Imagine the scope goes all the way through the nostril into the end of it, and then down towards the throat... Well, that way the doctor can see exactly what's going on in there :o)

He said my left side is clear, but right side there is some mucus, but he assured me it is not critical. He prescribed a medicine to be taken for 2 weeks and the mucus will be gone.

That's it! He said.

Thank you Lord for His continuous protection...

Our God is a Great God!!!



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